The original and popular commercial strain of burley tobacco makes a great addition to any garden.
It is used for its hardiness and smooth, rich flavor. Good for cigarette making. This variety grows fast and is a high yielding plant.
One of the best Turkish tobacco seeds you can buy.
These seeds are particularly apt at growing in dry conditions or just about anywhere.
They are short in height and the leaves are smaller than usual.
Their taste is mild, sweet and aromatic. They are used especially to give fragrance and sweetness to blended tobaccos. Nicotine content is said to be about 1%
Sylvestris is native to Argentina and is often called Woodland Tobacco. It’s a vigorous plant growing up to 5 ft. with large 20″ leaves and sweet scented long drooping white flowers. Try growing this tobacco for mixing purposes only, as it’s not strictly a smoking variety. Its unusual flavor makes it a good candidate for blending cigarette tobacco.
A very attractive and fragrant plant that should be planted in every flower garden, whether you choose to smoke a bit of it or not.
With so many varieties to choose from, it can be confusing which seeds to buy.
There are so many to choose from here, each with its’ own particular characteristic, smell, taste, ancestry etc.
And what tobacco seed does one use to make a good cigarette? That all depends on the type of cigarette you like to smoke! There’s no correct answer to the question.
Neither do we have recipes for the major cigarette brands, as these are closely guarded commercial secrets.
What would happen to the taste of a Turkish tobacco plant, which was grown in say Texas or England? Would it taste like the ones grown in Turkey? What if one cured and dried the leaves differently to the sun cured method, most commonly used for this type of tobacco?
What if one air-cured a flue-cured tobacco variety, like Virginian Gold, would that not affect its smell or flavor also?
In truth, the seed variety, the place grown, how well grown, how cured and dried, all affect the taste of the final smoke.
Blending together two or more types of tobacco leaf can also have a profound affect on the smell and taste of the tobacco.
Virtually all commercial tobacco sold in stores, comprises of a mix of different types blended together (in secret proportions), some alleging as many as over 20 types and over 3 years old. But it’s all old wives tales, aka BS.
In short and if you’re new to growing tobacco, you best grow one or more of these; Virginian Gold, Burley and Oriental.
Virtually all cigarette and pipe tobacco comprises of these three basic varieties with Burley being the most used.
Hope this helps you a little!
If you’re contemplating growing your own cigar tobacco and making your own cigars, take a look at our range of tobacco seeds.
Our range is the product of years of research into the types of tobacco most favored by smokers.
For cigar smokers, we have a great range of cigar tobacco seeds to suit your taste. We have introduced 3 new varieties this year (2021), and these are marked with an Asterix after their names below).
Take a look at the seeds we have that are suitable for cigars :
PLEASE NOTE – All our Cuban seed varieties are produced in the USA and not imported from Cuba and that’s official.
Whilst you’re here, why not take a look at some of our cigarette or pipe varieties too?
For pipe smokers, we have a nice selection of both hybrid and traditional heirloom pipe tobacco seeds.
Pipe tobacco can also be smoke cured, to give pipe tobacco that smoky flavor.
Here’s a selection of our seeds we suggest you use for growing pipe tobacco. Use the Back button to return to the list (where you left off)
Whilst you’re here, why not take a look at our cigarette or cigar varieties too?
There are so many cigarette tobacco seeds available, where does one start? Each has their own unique smell and taste. So how does one go about making their own cigarette?
It goes without saying, that any cigarette should really be a blend of tobacco, rather than made up from just one type. You can find out a bit more about blending tobacco here. Some tobacco manufacturers boast their tobacco to be a blend of over 20 types! The good news is you don’t have to go that far.
Browse through our selection of cigarette tobacco seeds commonly found in cigarettes:
As home growers, we will not discuss what manufacturers put into their cigarettes!
Whilst you’re here, why not take a look at our cigar or pipe varieties too?
At the Tobacco Seed Company, we don’t sell any type of tobacco seed. We search out and find the best varieties for smokers and we find the most reputable tobacco farmers to source us.
Our selection of seeds is the product of years of research and experience into identifying and acquiring the most popular types of tobacco most favored by today’s smokers.
All seeds are guaranteed to be 100% virus free and have been certified by US and UK plant health inspectorates.
None of our tobacco seeds are Genetically Modified.